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Have you ever wondered how some PPC marketers write ad copies that consistently perform better than yours? If so Here are five ways to improve your PPC ad copy to drive more conversions.

Avoid choice fatigue

Searchers don’t read through search results pages thoroughly. They scan.

When your headlines look exactly the same as several competitors, the searcher must stop and analyze your ad in order to identify the differences. This means that similar headlines won’t earn clicks.

If you are familiar with neuromarketing, you know this is a form of choice fatigue. Your potential customer has too many choices and can’t easily identify why they should choose your ad.

5 Ways to Spy Your Competitors With Attractive PPC Ad Copy

Don’t make empty promises

The best ad copy headlines have offers or promises that can be fulfilled.

PPC ads that offer promises that aren’t fulfilled on the landing page may earn more clicks but they won’t convert very well. Brian Clark of Copyblogger explains that making vague promises can turn people off:

“Advertisements that proclaim, ‘satisfaction guaranteed’ are fairly common, and that is the problem. The statement can come across as just another hollow promise because it often is.”

We have to respect the consumer in order to win their trust instead of using smoke and mirror tactics just to earn their click.

Avoid common ad copy-testing mistakes

If you are a rational, “left-brained” PPC professional, then writing ad copy likely is not your forte. If you are more of a creative type, then writing great ads is probably easier for you, but unfortunately what you think is great ad copy doesn’t matter.

What does matter is the data. The biggest problem when it comes to ad copy testing is that there is so much advice on how to do it right. There are tons of scripts and tools to automate the ad copy testing process, but if you don’t understand how they work, you are probably not getting great results.

Don’t forget to pre-qualify clicks

If you are advertising in a price-competitive industry or you have a premium or higher-priced product, you should always pre-qualify clicks by disclosing prices up-front.

Much like making empty promises that aren’t fulfilled on your landing pages, unexpectedly high product prices can be disappointing for leads. Check out this quote from a Pain of Paying study conducted by Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, and MIT:

“The sections of the brain associated with pain processing are activated when prices are too high.” George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon

If you are worried about hurting CTR and Quality Score by using this strategy, then consider running an ad copy test only on your broadest, worst-performing ad groups.

Stop judging ads on CTR

When you choose winning ads based on CTR, you could be earning more clicks but failing to convert them. The example above shows just that.

CPI and PPI are not standard metrics built into Google Analytics, but they are not that hard to create and they are definitely worthwhile.

If you are looking for a PPC advertising company in USA, Ready Web Solution is a great solution for you. We have a team of experts to fulfill all your PPC advertising needs.

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